Do I need a Business License?
If you are operating a business within Owens Cross Roads city limits, you are required to have a business (privilege) license. This includes, but is not limited to, cottage industry business, store-front business, internet business, and business deliveries. Businesses not physically located within the city limits, but which provide service (example: home maintenance and repairs, cleaning services, carpentry, painting, lawn care, etc.) within the city limits are also required to purchase a business license. Business licenses are renewable and due January 1st of each year and are delinquent on February 1st.
How do I purchase a Business Licence?
Business Licenses may be purchased at OCR City Hall Monday through Friday 8:00am until 4:30pm or by calling City Hall and requesting to have an application mailed/emailed to you. You will be asked to complete a form which requires the following information: Name of business; physical and/or mailing address of business; FEIN and/or State tax ID number; and contact information. You can find the form to fill out and bring into us here.
What is the cost of a Business License?
The base rate for most new businesses for the period beginning January 1 through December 31 each calendar year is $100 plus an issuance fee as set by the State of Alabama. Delivery licenses are based on a different scale as are heavy equipment operators and property managers/rental companies (please call 256-725-5164 for more specific prices). New business licenses (have never had a business license from the City of Owens Cross Roads) purchased after between July 1 and December 31 are assessed at 50% of the usual cost plus an issuance fee set by the State of Alabama. Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit/debit card.
Business Licenses must be renewed annually between January 1 and January 31 in order to continue doing business within the City of Owens Cross Roads. Failure to renew before February 1 or within 30 days of the date they fall due will be charged a 15% penalty for the first 30 days they are delinquent and shall be measured by an additional 15% for delinquency of 60 days or more. Renewal licenses purchased after July 1 and before December 31 are still assessed at full price plus the appropriate penalties previously defined and are NOT subject to the 50% discount for New licenses purchased between July 1 and December 31.